POSTPONED - Family Funday

Please note that the March 29 Family Fundays has been cancelled.
Please call 604-527-4640 if you have any questions.

Enjoy a mini Family Day adventure in downtown New West on the last Sunday of each month. Start at River Market for ArtStarts’ free family programming then head to Anvil Centre for exceptional family activities in New Media Gallery (Learning Lab), New West Museum and the 4th floor studios. Free drop-in, all ages welcome. Partial funding for these programs generously donated by Kruger Inc.



Upcoming Programming:

February 23
12:00 – 3:00 pm
4th Floor Cultural Studios & 3rd Floor Landing

Using paper, cardboard and upcycled materials, design and assemble your own articulating puppet. Create many-eyed monsters, shiny robots or other whimsical characters. Once complete, take them downstairs to be hooked up to robotic “LittleBits.” With the help of New Media Gallery staff, make them come alive!
Also, New Westminster Museum staff will be showcasing historical photos from the Archives to help you with inspiration for your characters. All kinds of quirky community creatures will be showcased – from parade costumes, puppets, and mythical beings, to real life monsters from our land and river.





