Music Care Conference
Music Care Conference 2022
The Music Care Conference is a national conference bringing together community members who are interested in music and care. This educational and inspirational conference identifies and integrates common themes and issues using music across the care spectrum and highlights the social implications of music in care.
The 14th Canadian Music Care Conference is presented by the Room 217 Foundation in partnership with BC Brain Wellness, Music Therapy Association of British Columbia, Vancouver Symphony, Vancouver Adapted Music Society and UBC School of Music.
Presenters are experts in their field either through academic training, clinical or life experience. Participants include allied healthcare providers, family and volunteer caregivers, care receivers, musicians, faith-based and community agencies, students and the community-at-large.
Participants will experience:
•The healing power of music
•An expanded understanding of the role music plays in health and wellness
•A heightened awareness of new music care resources, technologies, research, methodologies, stakeholders, musical effects in care
•A network of music in care stakeholders across Canada
•Strengthened relationships between regional music in care partners